!!phidgets [references] !!!SBC phidget 1072 !!!!install linux Le systeme par defaut est une debian (emdebian) a la sauce phidgets, donc ya pas mal de choses non standard comme par ex la config réseau qui se fait au travers de l'interface web seulement et pas juste en modifiant des fichiers de conf. * desactivé bonjour * apt-get update * apt-get install aptitude * aptitude update * aptitude install mc * aptitude install screen * aptitude install vim * aptitude install htop * aptitude install munin munin-node * * vim /etc/munin/munin.conf * mtdinfo * cat /proc/mtd * vim err404.html * vim err403.html * vim avahi-daemon * update-rc.d avahi-daemon disable * mkdir $HOME/.ssh * vim motd * aptitude install build-essential * cat /etc/cron.d/czo-email-at-reboot * aptitude install heirloom-mailx * mail * aptitude search msmtp * vim busybox-httpd * aptitude install ssmtp ca-certificates * vim /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf * vim /etc/cron.daily/czo-runup !!Monitoring The package is available here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19711116/phidgets_telescope.tar.gz Extract the package in '''/root/''', cd into the directory and execute the install script: (''All of this needs to be done as root'') {{ cd /root wget -c "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19711116/phidgets_telescope.tar.gz" tar -xvzf phidgets_telescope.tar.gz cd phidgets_telescope ./install.sh reboot }} Once the installation is done, you should find the munin logging web interface at http://TELESCOPE/munin and the live monitoring at http://TELESCOPE:8081 . If not, restart the script and watch out for errors ;) (''Replace '''TELESCOPE''' with the IP address of the machine'') '''Note:'''It may take some time for the phidgets plugins to appear on the munin web page.