!Installations scripts (bash) '''Debian 7:''' http://www.ipgp.fr/~gibert/wiki/var/upload/scripts_debian/telescope_current '''Note:''' Getting TTdaq to work on debian 7 seems tricky !Network Config On an embedded system, daemons and utilities such as '''Network-Manager''' or '''Wicd''' should be avoided, and all parameters be written in the standard configuration files. '''Any debian/ubuntu spin-off:''' http://www.ipgp.fr/~gibert/wiki/var/upload/scripts_debian/net_config '''Note:''' This script will rewrite ''''/etc/network/interfaces''''. It is to be executed as root (with "sudo") '''USAGE:''' (''Parameters are to be passed in this specific order'') {{./net_config optional: }} !Drivers '''Touch screen drivers (PenMount):''' http://www.penmount.com/down_2_1.php Download the package for the right platform, extract it, cd into the directory, and execute ''''install.sh'''' as root (or with sudo). '''Note:''' You should do so while you are logged in a graphical environnement (I'm not sure if it matters, but it might). Currently, the new panel PCs are loaded with Linux Mint 15 ( = Ubuntu 13.04). There's no fully featured Installation script for this platform, but you can use the network config script.