# File for turing test questions. Structure of the file is very simple, first # line of a record is "--" which indicates new record (question). Second line # is question and third line is right answer. You can add more answers to third # separated by comma. Everything else is ignored, so you can use it as comments. # In that case, please use something like "#" or "//" to make it clear it # is comment. Comparing answers is case insensitive. -- What color is lemon? Yellow -- How much is 4 times 4? 16, sixteen -- cat - Tom, mouse - Jerry -- Shortcut of World War 2? WW2, WWII -- Correct spelling: univrsity University -- Difference between 22 and 17? 5, five -- I think, therefore I... am -- First name of Einstein? Albert -- How many moons has the Earth? 1, one -- Name of partner of Eve of Eden? Adam